

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the fundamental principles of VV ECMO, including its indications, contraindications, and basic mechanics.
  2. Evaluate the specific challenges and complications associated with VV ECMO in the pediatric population, with a focus on patient selection, cannulation techniques, and monitoring strategies.
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in troubleshooting common issues and emergencies related to pediatric VV ECMO, including circuit malfunction, oxygenation or decannulation problems, and strategies for optimizing patient outcomes during ECMO support.

Pre-Reading Resources

Relevant Article:
Textbook Chapter:

QStream Multiple Choice Questions

A 7-year-old previously healthy child presents to the PICU with severe ARDS secondary to pneumonia. Despite conventional mechanical ventilation, the patient's oxygenation remains severely impaired, prompting initiation of VV ECMO.

Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in managing this patient's VV ECMO if there is a sudden decrease in oxygen saturation and arterial blood gas analysis reveals a PaO2 of 45 mmHg on an FiO2 of 100%?

  • A. Increase sweep gas flow
  • B. Check for oxygenator clotting
  • C. Assess for recirculation
  • D. Perform a bedside lung ultrasound

Pediatric Critical Care Outline Specifications

PICU_Critical Care Outline.pdf349.9KB

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