Learning Objectives
- Identify key diagnostic criteria and imaging findings to accurately diagnose pediatric ARDS in critically ill patients.
- Implement evidence-based management strategies, including lung protective ventilation and fluid management, to optimize outcomes in pediatric ARDS.
- Recognize and manage complications such as ventilator-associated lung injury and multi-organ dysfunction syndrome in pediatric ARDS cases effectively.
Pre-Reading Resources
Relevant Article:
Textbook Chapter:
Video Lecture:
QStream Multiple Choice Questions
A 5-year-old previously healthy girl is admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit with a 2-day history of progressive dyspnea, cough, and fever. She initially presented to the emergency department with signs of respiratory distress. On examination, she is tachypneic, with subcostal retractions and diffuse crackles on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray reveals bilateral diffuse infiltrates.
What is the most appropriate initial ventilator management strategy for this patient to optimize lung recruitment and limit barotrauma?
A) Low Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP), High Tidal Volume
B) High PEEP, Low Tidal Volume
C) High PEEP, High Tidal Volume
D) Low PEEP, Low Tidal Volume
Pediatric Critical Care Outline Specifications
PICU_Critical Care Outline.pdf349.9KB