Board Review

Board Review

This format provides an opportunity for staff to go through questions related to PCCM Core Content

Format Pearls

  • Approach this by highlighting normal physiology and how this is altered clinically in the PICU.
  • The basic science mechanisms which drive the physiologic principles should be highlighted in these lectures.
  • Utilize graphs, equations, and images to explain concepts.
    • Emphasis should be placed on the axises of the graph, trends, and how the graph changes based on pathophysiological states.
  • Utilize question and answers or integrate cases.

Physiology Resources for Preparation

🔗 PICU Text & Study Guide:

đź”—Learn PICU:

đź”—Physiology Deranged:

đź”—PREP Questions:

2017 PREP.pdf18498.8KB

đź”—Multiprofessional Care:

CCM Self Assessment (Questions).pdf4554.2KB